Problem with belt and pants

Hi, do you guys see how the upper edge of the pants roll over the belt? What can I do to prevent this?
7 Replies
DuskTillJawn•10mo ago
Wear wider belts
Menes009•10mo ago
I am a shorter guy ~165cm so wider belts start to look disproportionate on me
Indigomaha•10mo ago
Are you wearing jeans with a lot of stretch? I've only personally had this problem with thinner jeans that have a lot of elastane. Not sure of a good fix besides a wider belt or wearing less stretchy pants. Maybe you could try starching the waistband?
Menes009•10mo ago
Well these jeans are 100% cotton, not stretchy at all. But you might be on the right track regarding the need of more rigidity, this pair is quite old (close to 6 years) so the fabric had become super soft and stretched in some not uniform way
illisson•10mo ago
Are the pants a bit snug on you? I've been gaining extra weight around my midsection, causing my too-tight waistbands (pants and underwear) to roll. I fixed it by giving in and buying a size up.
Menes009•10mo ago
Nice insight, yeah I have gained some weight during my summer holidays actually 😅 this pair still is not snug, but the effect is similar
dyfed•10mo ago
Looks to me like the effect of lots of stretch in the fabric plus the waist size being too small, suggest sizing up.