steam uses adwita mouse instead of breeze cursor

How do I fix that? pretty minor but prefer to have the breeze cursor for steam too.
9 Replies
dnkmmr10mo ago
I tested it on the deck image and it isn't an issue
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
I'll be looking into this later today Probably just need to add a missing package or bind a directory when the distrobox is made
dnkmmr10mo ago
that is probably the case
dreamyuki10mo ago
usually because you are using custom homedir so the cursor is not configured
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
not ootb behavior mind you so unless @dnkmmr went out of their way to do that, that's not it
dnkmmr10mo ago
I never sat the custom home dir
dreamyuki10mo ago
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
This should be fixed in the latest version To get it applied on your end, simply remake bazzite-arch with the assemble file. It has replace=true so it'll just redo in-place what you have distrobox-assemble --file /usr/share/ublue-os/distrobox/bazzite-arch
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
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