Homarr access to docker images on tuenas scale. (mounting socket)
I have no idea how to get the plugins to work on truenas scale.
(Im new to home server stuff and especially to truenas scale)
I gathered that i have to mount docker.sock to the image, but i dont have a clue how.
I have searched the truenas and homarr documentation and forums as
22 Replies
Hi, as far as I know, TrueNAS scale doesn't use Docker itself but Kubernetes. Therefore, it is not possible to mount the socket
@tagaishi I think you run Scale too, right?
In comparison, True Nas Core does have said socket (to my knowledge)
Please take my advice with a grain of salt, until a real TrueNAS user comments here
Ok! Thank you!
Yo, can't mount docker in truenas scale since it runs kubernetes
If you're talking about integration for the widget then that's something else
You're running the app from truecharts, base truenas catalog or custom docker container? I'd really urge you to run through truecharts
Hi! truecharts
Ok so what is it that you're trying to do?
Make the widgets work?
everything else is in order already
So for that it is related to the integration
😎 After the installation | Homarr Docs
Congratulations! You've installed Homarr. Now, it's time to configure it to your liking. This guide will help you get started with Homarr.
😎 After the installation | Homarr Docs
Congratulations! You've installed Homarr. Now, it's time to configure it to your liking. This guide will help you get started with Homarr.
Internal address is the ip that homarr uses internally to speak to your apps, so in your case most likely the ip of your nas preceded by http://
External address is the link that you would use to access that app. For exemple if you have traefik and ingress enabled, that would be the said link with https://
And integration is where you enter your API key so that homarr can talk with your app
As confusing as it may be, you don't configure the widget, you configure your app to be linked to a service and the widget will automatically pull infos from that app you added
okay! thank you! I will try in a minute!
If you need more details I'm there
Hey! so the problem is I cant seem to find the "integrations" tab, its not in the edit menu, nor in the settings.
It in your app settings
edit mide -> cog wheel on widget -> edot?
No on your app, not the widget
😎 After the installation | Homarr Docs
Congratulations! You've installed Homarr. Now, it's time to configure it to your liking. This guide will help you get started with Homarr.
The very first thing on this page
OMG I have missed this for the past few hours... 🤦
i feel so stupid 😄
It's okay, if you feel that we could have done it a bit differently to make people understand better tell us
thank you for your help!
good night now (at least here)
No problem, good night to you too