Installing a custom Arch kernel

Wanted to know whats the best way to go with this? I need to install kernel packages/modules I have for something important.
6 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
Bazzite-arch has no kernel, can't do it You can use akmods to install what you need on the host
Zinx77710mo ago
i need something that works with arch packages meh oh well guess i will go with the VM route
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
I mean it should still, what is it exactly you need?
Zinx77710mo ago
to install the kernel packages
1/4 Life
1/4 Life10mo ago
For what purpose Arch has no kernel, it's running on the Fedora kernel
Zinx77710mo ago
nvm then