Railway•10mo ago

Any solution for Typebot 2.17? Still showing server error

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24 Replies
Percy•10mo ago
Project ID: 3f0646d7-ff00-4924-b072-8eedec98133c
cadimbh•10mo ago
Brody•10mo ago
have you tried downgrading to 2.16, this was confirmed working, hopefully typebot 2.18 will have a fix, but until a fix, use 2.16
cadimbh•10mo ago
So version 2.17 on Railway there is no solution. Just when they implement the integration service with Whatsapp?
Brody•10mo ago
i think this may be out of the template creators hands, this seems like an issue with typebot
cadimbh•10mo ago
Is staying solution with a deprecated version of typebot?
Brody•10mo ago
its one minor version out of date
cadimbh•10mo ago
But I have the same structure on DigitalOcena per server and it's running perfect. It's a simple change to the .yml
Brody•10mo ago
oh well if you know how to fix it, im sure the template creator would love a pr to fix it
Brody•10mo ago
hmm those are both verified images, the images the template author used are not, the images the author uses don't even have icons lol @t3ch_w1z4rd care to comment?
cadimbh•10mo ago
OK Railway's solution is to use a deprecated version or wait for who knows when a fix. I understood.
Brody•10mo ago
your attitude is not appreciated again, this is a template from the community, railway does not maintain it and also, you have proven yourself that this is user fixable, there is nothing stopping you from updating the cloned repo in your github account to use the images you have sent, you can always ask for help with this
cadimbh•10mo ago
Yes, I proved that using railway to simplify processes is not the focus. If you're going to change base instances of templates, any VPS will do.
Brody•10mo ago
if you would be happier on a vps, absolutely go for it, railway recognises it's not a one size fits all solution
cadimbh•10mo ago
Trying to migrate over 2000 customers who are dying to use Railway and Typebot with the new Whatsapp integration. But I'm going to have to change plans as it's become clear that the focus is fuck the non-power user. OK thank you. Then it should shift the focus to the Railroad. And remove models that do not work. For that just goes to show how limited and misleading it is.
Brody•10mo ago
okay im sorry but we wont tolerate that language and attitude here, if you wanted help updating your cloned repo to use the images you mentioned, you could have asked, but right now im gonna give you your final warning, please chill with the language
cadimbh•10mo ago
Is this a threat? Are you threatening a user for not having a solution? Confirm that all necessary arrangements and records will be taken. I do not accept threats. Please confirm and I request that you list any type of offense that I have committed or non-compliance with any of the terms of use of the platform.
Brody•10mo ago
so i think there may be a misunderstanding here, i do not work for railway, i just mod this server and i was referring to removing you from this server, thats all
cadimbh•10mo ago
Feel free. I'm documenting it and will definitely report your threat for lack of resolution. A shame for a platform to treat users as disposable. While he just wanted to use the platform as a scalable solution for customers.
MantisInABox•10mo ago
The templates that you find at https://railway.app/templates, a majority of them are community provided, and some of the template creators lead busy lives, and don't necessarily have the time to sit and update the template with every single code change. You can definitely contribute back to the template with a PR and most of the community members that make the templates, are willing to take those as feedback to keep the templates up to date. After reading the entire thread, there was no threat made by Brody, except that you would be removed from the Community Discord if you continued to use profanity. And I will agree with him on that. We do not condone it, and will not tolerate it. Railway is still not a mature platform like Digital Ocean running a VPS, it is not a 1:1 comparison, as applications run on Railway is not VPS, it is containerized applications. Sometimes, you will need to make adjustments. There are some growing pains associated with moving to and using Railway, the team is very well aware of this, and so are us moderators. We do our best to help in any way we can, a solution was provided to you on how you can get your project to run, you did not like the solution. That's on you. Especially since you claim that it is an easy fix, but are not willing to contribute the fix back to the template creator to help future users of the template. Not everything will work on Railway 100% first go. Much of what is deployed, just like any other service (Heroku, Fly, Render, Hop, Koyeb), you will have to make adjustments to the application to get it to run.
cadimbh•10mo ago
I've been a developer for a few years. And yes I contribute to many projects. But that's beside the point. Possible solutions have already been presented to the template developer several days ago. And just like him we also have other demands. And when we take a platform like Railwat that provides templates where our lay customers can upload the very structure of a chatbot. And this becomes complex action like what they are putting. I really don't see the most sense in using a promising platform with such an amateur solution. Good lucky for you.
MantisInABox•10mo ago
There is nothing wrong with using an image that is 1 minor release out of date, until the template owner is able to update it. Since the template is using an image provided by a registry, they are at the mercy of the release cycle for the image that they created the template from. There must have been a reason as to why thy chose this particular image. If you are unhappy with the solution provided, you can contribute a fix to achieve the solution you are looking for, or you can complain about it (like above). Unfortunately, a solution was provided to you, so we can mark this thread as solved, and we will lock it. If you need further assistance with anything else, you can open a new thread.
angelo•9mo ago
Hey @cadimbh - I am banning you from this server for violating Rule 2 and 3. #🛂|readme You are welcome to keep using Railway but abusing volunteer moderators with harsh language is never tolerated.
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