Railway11mo ago

I am having trouble connecting to Azure Data Studio (Postgres)

I am trying everything can't seem to connect to ADS any advice? This is the error I'm recieving
connection failed: could not receive data from server: Operation timed out
could not send SSL negotiation packet: Operation timed out
connection failed: could not receive data from server: Operation timed out
could not send SSL negotiation packet: Operation timed out
No description
7 Replies
Brody11mo ago
at first glance you haven't provided a username or port to the connection details
zgmg9211mo ago
Yeah I mean I tried filling all the fields out in every combination and I can't connect no matter what
Brody11mo ago
is there a way you can provide the program the username and port?
zgmg9211mo ago
Yes go ahead and try downloading Azure Data Studio and adding the Postgres extension I have tried connecting using every combo I can think of but I can't connect Would really appreciate if you can try downloading Azure Data Studio, adding the Postgres extension (command-shift-X), and try connecting with a Railway db
Brody11mo ago
is it available for windows?
zgmg9211mo ago
Sure https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/azure-data-studio/download-azure-data-studio?view=sql-server-ver16 let me know if you can get it to connect to any Railway Postgres instance
Download and install Azure Data Studio - Azure Data Studio
Download and install Azure Data Studio for Windows, macOS, or Linux. This article provides release dates, version numbers, system requirements, and download links.
Brody11mo ago
I can recommend dbgate instead