Is this denim jacket too big to wear?

I ordered this from Gap Factory a few months ago thinking I ordered the right size. I just kind of threw it in my closet until the weather started to cool down. I tried it on today, compared to to another jacket, and realized I ordered a size larger than I should've. It's too late to return it (unless Gap can make an exception), so does this look fine or should I try and order the right size?
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4 Replies
sinbad9mo ago
Think it looks perfect ngl looks like u have just enough space to throw a hoodie or sweater on underneath come winter
Nayyyyy9mo ago
Tbh if you got the sleeves shortened or cuffed the.. um, cuff it may look fine. It's skirting and oversized look at the moment
gimp9mo ago
Button it up and send a photo
beep419mo ago
Yeah, I definitely do have the soace. Thanks! I was thinking about cuffing them, I'll play around and see what works. the sleeves are really only that low at a rest (like the picture).