Is it a good idea to pierce my own ears or should I do it professionally?

I watched a wikihow video and it doesn't seem that hard all things considered. The shop at city centre charges like 25 quid which seems is a big steep
11 Replies
Cenci9mo ago
Like there'd be friends helping me but still
sinbad9mo ago
I’d buy a piercing kit from amazon or something at the least that’s how I did mine a friend used a piercing kit
SpicyOcelot9mo ago
IMO there’s more risk than reward in doing it yourself. I guess you’ll save money but hopefully you don’t fuck up the placement, split your earlobe, get an infection, etc.
DeafIdiotGod9mo ago
I'd rather have a perfectly positioned permanent hole in my ear than an imperfectly positioned one and £25.
Nayyyyy9mo ago
Spuck9mo ago
Do It xd
gimp9mo ago
Yeah fuck it, why not? Save a few bucks and use that extra strength stapler to fuck with your body. Take a shot or two before, for courage.
E Numbers
E Numbers9mo ago
£25 is cheap considering their costs for sterility and hopefully high quality implant grade jewelry If they use a gun leave
Cenci9mo ago
nah imma get hammered then try it thanks for the advice
syarif9mo ago
just get it professionally done you'll notice it forever if you mess it up
Cenci9mo ago
and give money to big piercing? no thanks