I’m not sure I how I got into this

I’m not sure I how I got into this situation- the 3080 powered box is booting into 1024x768 resolution and nvidia-proprietary isn’t loaded. Lastnight was the first time that happened; Tuesday was the first occurrence of the resolution gremlin. I haven’t found why the module isn’t getting loaded it has all the modprobe lines it should have and nouveau is blacklisted 🤷‍♂️ Yesterdays question was a reach at hoping it wasn’t just me; and maybe I missed an announce. That isn’t the case.
3 Replies
j0rge9mo ago
ok, might need to file an issue, that's not intended behavior. 😄
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
do you have secure boot enabled?
lazyPower9mo ago
I believe I do, I'll need a bit before I can double check the bios configuration