Kinoite Rebuild Error

trying to rebuild bazzite on kinoite using konsole
rpm-ostree rebase
rpm-ostree rebase
and i got this error
error: Importing: Unencapsulating base: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method GetBlob: remote error: Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout
error: Importing: Unencapsulating base: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method GetBlob: remote error: Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout
hardware specs: i5 m520 6gb ram intel hd 500 gb ssd
2 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
internet problem from the looks of it you aren't able to connect to ghcr
General yossef
General yossef9mo ago
well the wifi signal wasnt so strong i will try again with stronger wifi worked ! im installing bazzite-arch now