Homarr10mo ago

Docker.sock location on Mac server

Hello, i'm looking for anyone to assist with the Docker Socket connection. I am runing my server from an old Macbook, and so the examples from the documentation don't work. They say to use "-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" or the "\" version for Windows. But neither work for Mac. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
2 Replies
ajnart10mo ago
It works fine on my macbook, are you sure you are running docker correctly ? It might be different for you I'm not sure how I can help. Have you tried google-ing your issue ?
.effree10mo ago
Thanks anyway. I googled it for 3 days, and just fixed it, kind of by accident. My docker.sock wasn't where it was supposed to be. Using this documentation here: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/mac/permission-requirements/#installing-symlinks i was able to map the connection. I restarted docker, but docker itself was now broken, and nothing would come back online. Going into terminal i was able to bring it back up with docker-machine commands. once i was ablet to set a new environment variable, and bring up a nginx container, i restarted Docker Desktop. All my containers appeared again and started back up. I reran the docker compose for Homarr with the /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock addition and it worked. Had a little heart attack but all is well and this fixed the issue. I believe it is related to the docker version i am running which is 4.11
Docker Documentation
Understand permission requirements for Docker Desktop on Mac
Understand permission requirements for Docker Desktop for Mac and the differences between versions