Railwayβ€’9mo ago

TypeError: fetch failed error without much description in the logs

Full error below: TypeError: fetch failed at Object.fetch (/app/node_modules/next/dist/compiled/undici/index.js:1:26669) at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async invokeRequest (/app/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/server-ipc/invoke-request.js:17:12) at async invokeRender (/app/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/router-server.js:254:29) at async handleRequest (/app/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/router-server.js:447:24) at async requestHandler (/app/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/router-server.js:464:13) at async Server.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/start-server.js:117:13) { cause: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1278:16) { errno: -111, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 36959 } } Same code works fine on Vercel with no exceptions. Using NextJS 13 with Supabse. Error happens on home page without much if any complex functionality, just some text, couple images and a nav bar. One of the images doesn't display even though it's in the package. Project ID is 592b7020-b78a-45d7-96f2-414c4a4c7757/
23 Replies
Percyβ€’9mo ago
Project ID: 592b7020-b78a-45d7-96f2-414c4a4c7757
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
what are you trying to connect to at
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
Actually nowhere, I have no connections to that address anywhere in the code. It's something Railway is trying to do, and I'm not sure what.
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
railway runs your code as is, it will not make connection attempts on your behalf
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
I'm pretty sure it's trying to load an image and failing. I deployed same codebase to Vercel and there are no isses in logs and both images are being displayed while with Railway only one image is displayed and there's this error.
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
are you perhaps trying to connect to supabase without supplying any credentials and your code is falling back to trying to connect to
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
So, Supabase seems to be causing another issue actually. I have the following code on the main page: const supabase = createServerComponentClient({ cookies }) const { data: { user }, } = await supabase.auth.getUser() Then there's verification if there's user and different behaviour based on that. Interestingly, when I login/signup with Supabase both locally and on Vercel redirects work as expected while at Railway it tries to send me to localhost to some strange port
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
railway runs your code as is, if the service on railway is redirecting you to localhost it's because that's what your code is doing, if your service on vercel is not redirecting you to localhost, it's because vercel is monkeypatching your code for you https://docs.railway.app/develop/variables#railway-provided-variables you can use the RAILWAY_PUBLIC_DOMAIN environment variable to setup the redirect location properly
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
Oh this might be what I was missing, let me try that!
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
have you also added the supabase credentials to the service variables?
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
yeah I have. It reads and writes data from supabase just fine Adding a variable didn't seem to help, and again - images aren't being displayed. Does Railway support the new Next 13 folder structure?
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
again, railway runs your code as is the only issue i could see would be this being an issue with node 16 since node 16 is the default version used try setting engines.node to 18 in your package.json
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
oh this seems to have fixed it image is loading now and that error is no longer in the log Still weird redirect to a locahost when after logging in / signing out with supabase, gotta figure that one out. Even locally, it doesn't redirrect me to a strange localhost port, it keeps it within whatever port I'm on
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
seems like you haven't setup the callback url properly, then next is trying to redirect you to whatever random port next is running on maybe you are missing this? NEXTAUTH_URL=https://${{RAILWAY_PUBLIC_DOMAIN}}
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
I'm not using next auth but using supabase auth instead.
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
fair, was just a guess to set you in the right direction
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
yeah, no, I definitely appreciate it
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
you just gotta find a way to set the callback url
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
I may need to talk with them maybe. It works locally and on Vercel, but I wonder if Vercel is indeed doing some monkey business like you said, and I'm just missing something. I took the code straight from Supabase template so theoretically it should work, maybe I am indeed missing something simple
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
who is "them" lol
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
Supabase πŸ™‚
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
read supabase's docs
andreyapopovβ€’9mo ago
will do, thank you for your help!