Unable to upgrade system if using the offline ISO

Here is the error. Anyone else experiencing this?
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5 Replies
Crush10mo ago
Looks like you didn't rebase in bazzite-portal after installing rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ublue-os/bazzite-deck:latest That's the unsigned image but should work fine
dnkmmr10mo ago
I had to type in just sign-image
Crush10mo ago
Ah cool, didn't know there was a just command for it
EyeCantCU10mo ago
Awesome. Yeah, yafti does this for you if you aren't on a signed image too. Either way should work great
Gerblesh10mo ago
You don't need to rebase to the unverified registry, you can just rebase to signed, the policy files already exist