Railway•9mo ago

MySQL queries timeout or lead to blank screen on web version

For the last 2 days or so I've been running into some problems with my personal project database. It seems queries in MySQL Workbench timeout and in the railway site they give errors (even when they shouldn't) or never return. Attempted: calling a procedure selecting all from a table showing events with no success Tried: restarting the container running the queries in the web version of railway with no success Is there simply a geographical time problem or could there be something more or even a bug? All these queries worked fine previously, especially select *.
39 Replies
Percy•9mo ago
Project ID: f3f3aa54-1f32-4a2a-9e9a-61d26191712d
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
Brody•9mo ago
but you are able to connect to the database just fine?
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
Seems so, though what used to be near instant now takes about a second or two I don't have a ton of data either, mostly tables with ~100 rows
Brody•9mo ago
a second or two for the connection to succeed?
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
I believe so. Do you want me to dig up a specific metric?
Brody•9mo ago
no no that's fine seems like your database may be in a degraded state
Duchess•9mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Brody.
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
Hmm... is it normal with just this little data?
Brody•9mo ago
it's not normal under any circumstance, unless you changed some settings in your database?
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
Just enabled the task scheduler for one task - occuring 4 times a day, just the aforementioned procedure call The procedure is dropping a table and pretty much creates a copy of one from another schema Created some users but only 2 are in regular use - the other few are mostly debugging and never used Anything else I changed was just workbench timeout settings
Brody•9mo ago
yeah so you didn't change any of the databases setting or anything like that right?
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
nothing major no, working with 99% defaults and the changes mentioned above
Brody•9mo ago
is the task scheduler a setting in mysql? that seems more like it would be a service running a scheduler?
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
I think it's a service Really similar to cronjobs or Task Scheduler in OSs has to be turned on though, default is off
Brody•9mo ago
okay then it's not a mysql setting, from what you've said, it doesn't look like you changed any mysql settings please wait for the teams response in the meantime you can always create a new database and restore a backup if you have one
Ray•9mo ago
Hi! Do you have exact timestamps of when this happened? It'd help us narrow down where the issue might be
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
Hi! Would you like a specific source for the timestamps? I.e. the db or the server's timestamp? Ah, well they're timestamps. So shouldn't be much variety there or differences at all. Query at Sep 20 08:54:13 succeeded will return when it fails Right now it failed so it's Sep 20 10:48:40
Ray•9mo ago
railway site they give errors (even when they shouldn't) or never return.
Could you elaborate on this? Are you specifying max connection timeout anywhere in your app/mysql workbench? Is this happening intermittently, and are there any patterns you've observed that would cause this?
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
I am specifying max conn timeout, but it's mostly above the default values generally after several hours (maybe 2-3?) it slowly adds up Eventually between 3-5 hours the slowdown becomes critical Also connections are cleared both by the DB by default and by the backend of my site so there's not a hog on the connection pool either
Ray•9mo ago
Are you hitting any memory/cpu limits? Not a lot of information to go on here as we haven't seen this happening for any other users 😕
ChaoticKitten•9mo ago
Oh damn, didn't see your answer! Not really... I think it might be a regional problem. I currently am calling from Romania, asked someone from Sweden and the UK to call and there's quite some difference between each of us in the time to get a response from the service... and making it worse is the fact that none of my testers could even get stable results So... I am considering just remaking the service alltogether Got any guides on how to do that? Also thinking maybe cloning would not be a great idea in terms of getting different results at the moment I set the timeout period to 30 minutes or so for queries and I'm rolling with it even if it's slow af sometimes - with restarts sprinkled in the middle so i'm limping but i'm walking through
Ray•8mo ago
If you have the Pro plan, check out https://docs.railway.app/deploy/deployments#regions
Railway Docs
Deployments | Railway Docs
Documentation for Railway
ChaoticKitten•8mo ago
Sadly, I do not Got any clue how to reduce the buffers from config with railway? @Brody @Ray Hi guys After a bit of a pain in the ass process I realized what was wrong: my service was old - at least older than most features recently added and thus I think it was spazzing out. I basically backed everything up, recreated the service and put everything back where it was supposed to be, now everything works properly and I can put the app to sleep, handle internals etc. Please consider rounding up people with older services and informing them that yes, there is a huge difference to be made by recreating their services now (16$ estimation vs 7$ estimation for my database)
Brody•8mo ago
haha you finally did what i suggested
ChaoticKitten•8mo ago
Yeah, I really thought I fucked up somewhere along the way and didn't want to go through the hassle of backing up 50 users manually Gave up after a month of tryin Still not sure how to handle backups with railway, or local cloning/configuration editing
Brody•8mo ago
there's multiple templates on the marketplace that can take database backups for you
ChaoticKitten•8mo ago
But yeah turns out my service was ancient and I really didn't get what you meant the first time when you said creating a new one at that point haha
Brody•8mo ago
I assume the one you created is a database service with a volume, since you are on beta?
ChaoticKitten•8mo ago
Right Honestly out of the entire marketplace at a glance I think only 1 solution is non-cloud storage/not paid
Brody•8mo ago
now create a mariadb database as a replacement for mysql and use mariadb instead, it uses less memory
ChaoticKitten•8mo ago
if only life was that simple 😦 Sadly, i'm on track learning mysql for a gig in the somewhat near future so I gotta stick to the beast
Brody•8mo ago
use one of the S3 backup based templates, then use cloudflare R2 as the S3 storage provider, you get the first 10gb of R2 storage free I was under the impression that mariadb is a drop in replacement for mysql in most cases?
ChaoticKitten•8mo ago
turns out there's some wild, wild thing going on with more advanced dynamic memory assignment scripts and what-not and this is a legacy enough project that some DBA thought up their own framework within mysql for handling stuff. Since this is a financial organisation most of their "best practices" are just panicked jerk-moves to crashes in the past so there's a big no-no on taking anything out of their very specific design
Brody•8mo ago
big words
ChaoticKitten•8mo ago
Hence the focus on memory management and my general confusion if it the mistake was on my end cause I knew for a fact I was messing around with memory management. The problem was that the settings definitely should've crashed the mysql server rather than let it go up and wild.
Brody•8mo ago
well I'm glad you got it working now!
ChaoticKitten•8mo ago
Thanks a bunch Brody and I'll go checkout the backup service.
Brody•8mo ago
no problem 🙂