Cities Skylines causes system to be unresponsive and crash, Deck

Hello! I've installed Cities Skylines and am trying to start a new game, but every time I do it loads ~75% and causes my deck to become completely unresponsive and require a hard reset. Mods disabled, but when I did have a loading screen mod enabled the deck would instead crash to what looked like text mode. Files checked, clean install.
10 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
What's your memory usage like before this crash? Possible it's an OOM situation
ggppjj9mo ago
It's close to full. I did change the UMA buffer back down from 4g to 2g for testing, the loading screen mod doesn't indicate that it's hitting the limit. If I enable swap and want to go back to zram, is that something the portal app will do?
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
I would lower that back to 1GB (default) and then try enabling legacy memory in Bazzite portal and restarting Yep You're correct
ggppjj9mo ago
Cool, I'll test it. Can swap and zram both be enabled? Hm, still crashing.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
They can, but I would turn z-ram off for your first test
ggppjj9mo ago
Swap is on, UMA back to 1g. Crashes on a simulation thread per the loading screen mod
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
All right, I have this game so I'll test this on my end Thank you for the report. I'll let you know what I find
ggppjj9mo ago
Thanks! DLC, for reference: Carols, Candles and Candy Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack Match Day Pearls From the East All That Jazz Deep Focus Radio Downtown Radio Mass Transit Synthetic Dawn Radio Snowfall After Dark Green Cities Airports Content Creator Pack: Modern City Center Industries Content Creator Pack: High-Tech Buildings Content Creator Pack: European Suburbia
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
@ggppjj new version may solve your issue here Mesa got a memory leak fix for some titles
ggppjj9mo ago
Excellent, I'll give it a try in a few hours. Here's hoping! Thanks for letting me know. It didn't work (even after being fully up-to-date as of now), but here's something wild: it works with ProtonGE I halfway think this might be a vanilla issue with no modded anything, although I'm not currently interested enough in formatting the deck back to stock to find out