does this look like balding?

I know balding runs in my family, and I've been kinda noticing my scalp showing a little bit if you look at it from above or if I don't style it well like in the pictures (I just quickly un styled it before taking a shower) or after sweating you can really see it, so I've been just getting concerned about it. (Also I'm currently 17)
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4 Replies
Benjiā€¢9mo ago
Hey! I struggled with fear of balding when I was your age too. I have no idea if you're balding (looks like you have a full head of hair), you need to see a dermatologist if you want an answer to that question. FDA approved treatments for pattern balding include minoxidil foam (over the counter) and finasteride pills (prescription only)
Swagā€¢9mo ago
I honestly can't tell if you are currently balding but I can tell you that your hair doesn't really look that dense. Don't be afraid tho. There are many ways to prevent hair loss and balding. I will give you a few important tips that will definitely help you. 1. You can use microneedling devices (i.e. derma-roller) on your scalp to increase the bloodflow to the hair. This results into more nutrients getting to your hair (if you have enough in your body ofc.), which will result into more denser hair and healthier hair. 2. You can use products that provide your hair with important nutritions. I personally always use a hair tonic for that (I always use the blue Seborin one). 3. This is probably the most important one:Hereditary hair loss / balding for men is often caused by a high level of dihydrotestosterone, a male hormone / an androgen that has many important functions but can also lead to balding if it's in excess. There are many foods that can help block excess DHT. Among these are things like: onions, especially linseeds, nuts, nettles, coconut oil, bananas, egg yolk, mangos, tomatos, carrots and many more. It would be best if you would google it for yourself and try to integrate those foods (or more of it) into your daily food. There are also medicaments that help you block excess DHT but they can come with some side effects. The most popular medicaments are finasteride and dutasteride (I definitely can not recommend you to use them). I hope that I could help you with this. If you have any questions feel, free to ask them! šŸ˜šŸ‘
bishopcorriganā€¢9mo ago
This reads like it was AI generated Donā€™t get medical advice from discord Go to a dermatologist
Swagā€¢9mo ago
Yeah, I was kind of drunk and hadn't slept the night before while writing that xd. I noticed that I had changed my style of writing a couple of times throughout the message. It's definitely always good to talk to a professional in person, they usually know what is best for you. If you do, then consider mentioning that it's quite common in your family because it will make the diagnosis faster. You won't be able to fix it solely by giving your hair more nutrients but it will make in more healthy