Easy (?) shared variables question
The environment contains the excellent Payload CMS template, attendant Mongo DB, and a Next.js front end. This works well when the env are set manually for each service, however the shared variables don't. What am I missing?
This works when set on each service, eg. not shared
The shared variables do not work
When shared on both front and back end services, the variables look like this
Project ID 520ae57c-db3e-4e21-ace6-db67bca65e2a
50 Replies
Project ID:
are those the correct service names? cowcatcher and caboose?
Yes 😂
Caboose is stuck on loading screen right now. Might be cors.
can I see a screenshot of the project?
Yes, just a moment
To build on this issue, fetching with
is working locally as expected, but in production does not work. The static path https://caboose.up.railway.app/api/posts
works in both. This may be an issue with Next.js not reading the service env for some reason? What's odd is that the env prints in TSX…
Screenshot of what precisely? Just the UI?the whole project
and both those are built with nixpacks?
Using Nixpacks
and this might be a silly question but how have you been able to confirm the variables aren't rendering, besides any issues from the next apps
They render within the return for
export default async function Blog()
etcwhat does that show?
It's not a trailing slash is it… hmmmmmmm
okay that looks good, now is that when you are using reference variables?
https://caboose.up.railway.app/ hmmmmmm
slow down here, it works
are you currently using reference variables?
I am using variables set within each service, not shared. Not sure about reference.
static variables
reference variables
shared variables
what type are you currently using
First ones, static
Should env paths like these include the trailing slash? That may be the culprit.
you want to use the reference variables, that way if you ever change a service name the variable update with the name change
and yes you typically would not include a trailing slash in these types of variables
Ok, to clairfy,
will somehow automagically update the subdomain if the service name changes?
If so, I love Railway more every day.yeah say you change the service name from "cowcatcher" to "horsecatcher"
will automatically update to ${{horsecatcher.RAILWAY_PUBLIC_DOMAIN}}
and then if you then went and changed the public domain of the newly renamed service, all you'd need to do is redeploy the service that uses that variable and it will get rendered with the new domainKiller. I like that. The shared will not render a trailing slash either? Presumably not.
if you put a trailing slash in the variable, there will be a trailing slash in the rendered variable
The shared variable in environment settings looks like this
Once shared to a service, looks like this ${{shared.NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL}}
so I don't really see how shared variables come into play here?
just use reference variables
Oof, I am getting terms mixed up. Don't use shared in this case, regardless.
The idea is, in the near future, to clone this environment entirely, if possible.
also if you for example want to set a variable
equal to the services own domain, you don't need to specify the service name since it's in the same namespaceAhhhh, smart. Even better.
Required for cors anyway. Thank you!
so just use reference variables, that would clone across environments nicely
Thank you so much. "Caboose" is built on your template, thanks for that too!
and everything worked fine with that template?
Oh yes, even with all the extra stuff I have added. Works like a charm.
is indeed printing a trailing slash. This seems wrong somehow.Outputs
but does the variable you set have a trailing slash?
Yes, it did! Ok, sorry to be such a newb on this.
yep railway isn't going to touch anything outside of the
so if there's a slash, it will be there after renderingAt some point, I'd like to learn how to craft whole environments as templates. Creating the linkages between the services and the volumes, for example. I haven't seen much detail in the documentation on that aspect.
Does nixpacks do that as well?
I'll send you an example project over that uses reference variables heavily across multiple services
guess railway doesnt want me to show you
Is this documented officially somewhere?
of course, and I should have linked the docs, but I just wanted to show you a real world example of reference variables, here's the docs though
i got railway to fix the issue so here is my public example project
have a look at all the service variables and how they reference each other!
this is also available as a template if youd like to look at that too
Darned if it won't show the variables. I can view the project but not the envs.
oh yeah, well you can see the variables in the template!
click to expand all variables