import { TRPCError } from '@trpc/server';
import { getHTTPStatusCodeFromError } from '@trpc/server/http';
import { appRouter } from '~/server/routers/_app';
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
type ResponseData = {
data?: {
postTitle: string;
error?: {
message: string;
export default async (
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse<ResponseData>,
) => {
/** We want to simulate an error, so we pick a post ID that does not exist in the database. */
const postId = `this-id-does-not-exist-${Math.random()}`;
const caller = appRouter.createCaller({});
try {
// the server-side call
const postResult = await{ id: postId });
res.status(200).json({ data: { postTitle: postResult.title } });
} catch (cause) {
// If this a tRPC error, we can extract additional information.
if (cause instanceof TRPCError) {
// We can get the specific HTTP status code coming from tRPC (e.g. 404 for `NOT_FOUND`).
const httpStatusCode = getHTTPStatusCodeFromError(cause);
res.status(httpStatusCode).json({ error: { message: cause.message } });
// This is not a tRPC error, so we don't have specific information.
error: { message: `Error while accessing post with ID ${postId}` },