Here’s a timeline syntax. You can try it out and share your feedback/opinion.:html5: :vscode: :css3:
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10 Replies
Jochem10mo ago
like I said in #general, please don't use #resources for your own projects
It’s not my project.
b1mind10mo ago
The best way to share a resource then would be to link to the place you learned it, or share a writeup on how you used it or found it interesting. But most importantly if you want it to be helpful at all don't use CodeSnap or screenshots/pictures of code. Most likely people are not even going to click into it when its that large, a little code block like one element selector maybe. is honestly my goto for help and sharing demos I just do things in there for funzies and share sometimes too but makes great for pasting in just css/html/js with no fuss no muss.
Aight. Noted
b1mind10mo ago
Also please understand we are just trying to be helpful 😄 Sometimes being new I know it can be overwhelming and people like "hey no do it this way"
I understand, I’m actually new to the Tech system and I also want to learn. I started about 3 months ago. Yea. You are absolutely right. Thanks for the eye opener. God bless you.
b1mind10mo ago
Nice love that, keep it up.
How am I gon share from code pen? I want to write the code now. @b1mind
Jochem10mo ago
you have to create a (free) account, then you can hit SAVE at the top of the page when you're done creating your pen, and copy the URL (it'll look something like