Klipper reports printer is not ready....was working a few minutes ago....

Not sure where to start with this (Software/firmware is not my thing). The print failed during printing and then I got this error. I had made no recent changes to any of the configuration. Restarting the printer does not fix the error. Can someone advise me of a trouble shooting process for this? I am using an SKR Pro 1.2 Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
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4 Replies
MFBS9mo ago
After a couple of minutes I get this fault error.
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MFBS9mo ago
This is my klippy log file
MFBS9mo ago
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MFBS9mo ago
Can anyone advise me of the best course of action(s) from here? OK this might be very simple. Seems that I am lacking 24V DVC coming out of my WEHO power supply....so definitely not a RatOS or Klipper issue, LOL.