Novu9mo ago

Subscriber agnostic notification

Hello, I have this simple workflow, where I need to 1. send an email to the subscriber (this is easy, I just send the preconfigured subscriberId and it works) 2. send a slack message to a public channel (not sure how to do this) The slack configuration is not related to the subscriber, and it feels wrong to add the slack webhookUrl to this subscriber using "setCredentials". Is there any way to make the slack channel read the configuration from another place, rather than at the subscriber level?
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2 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain9mo ago
Hi @Laser I see this post is related to this support post https://discord.com/channels/895029566685462578/1151171640751837308 Currently, we don't have an option to achieve the 2nd point. But I understood your usecase. I will share this with team
Laser9mo ago
Thank you, Pawan!