Railway10mo ago

Setup a monorepo

Hey guys, I'm using yarn workspaces and turborepo. I tried setting up the build command to "yarn turbo run build --filter=<app-name>", but it does't work. I'm receiving an error about yarn cache. Anyone who could help me? If I could specify a nested dockerfile for the build, would work too... I only can get dockerfiles to work when they are at root dir. Thanks in advance. Project ID: 5e4a5b69-c50a-40e9-939b-59a840d96b8e Service ID: d8a1d6a0-2fa5-4258-aae1-7fcf8b3675be
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3 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 5e4a5b69-c50a-40e9-939b-59a840d96b8e,d8a1d6a0-2fa5-4258-aae1-7fcf8b3675be
zeeh10mo ago
thank you so much!