Enable pings not selectable
Installed Homarr yesterday and now in the final stage of configuring.
Problem I ran into is that I can't
enable pings
on the layout page, every option is selectable expect enable ping
, the option isn't selectable,
Running ghcr.io/ajnart/homarr:latest
Any idea why this isn't working for me?4 Replies
Hi, thanks for the report. How does it look when you hover it or click it? Maybe Screenshots or a recording would help
@tagaishi this sounds like an easy and fast fix. Do you wanna do it?
Wierd didn't work on a windows machine with chrome. Tried on a Mac with chrome and there I can select the option. Problem is solved.
Is it still not working on Windows?
What browsers did you use? (Including version)
Back to my windows PC and it's working there also now
Chrome Version 116.0.5845.188 (Official Build) (64-bit)
No idea what was going on tried so many times.