Railwayβ€’10mo ago

Can't manually fill MySQL

None of the options i've tried works. I can still create dbs and populate them when connecting through my python api from deployed app, but it's a bit of a hassle, since it essentially means i should run some code in my project only for the first deploy and then comment it out. I may be missing something, there is probably some "best practice" for populating dbs with railway, but I'm not sure which one πŸ‘€ Would really appreciate some pointers here.
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10 Replies
Percyβ€’10mo ago
Project ID: 5908e018-e6a0-42ee-b4f6-04dab8bbe6fb
alexbalandiβ€’10mo ago
5908e018-e6a0-42ee-b4f6-04dab8bbe6fb I guess tbh I can just run one-time script for cases like this. I kinda missed the fact that db is exposed not just for the project, but for the web in general πŸ™ˆ Still, the manual creation doesn't work and it probably should?
jonbeauβ€’10mo ago
I think the response will be to use an alternative to the railway UI for now, as it's not up to par with the rest of their service. So yeah a one time script, that's what I do, or a database tool. (also, postgres is quite cheaper than mysql you may look into that instead)
alexbalandiβ€’10mo ago
ty for the input. How much cheaper are we talking? πŸ˜…
jonbeauβ€’10mo ago
I'm not completely sure cause I've always used postgres from the start πŸ˜… but this is my biggest db I think (not that big still)
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alexbalandiβ€’10mo ago
wow, i checked memory consumption of almost empty dbs at idle : it's 85 mb on postgress vs 500 mb on mysql, yikes! Ty for pointing my attention to this. I assume it gets a bit more even for really big dbs, but for small ones postgress is definitely better
jonbeauβ€’10mo ago
wow indeed! nice
MantisInABoxβ€’10mo ago
@alexbalandi it’s better to connect to your railway db using something like MySQL Workbench, DataGrip or DBeaver, then you can manipulate it that way. The web ui is kinda borked
alexbalandiβ€’10mo ago
well, what i actually ended up using was some python code in jupyter notebook (all inside vscode) πŸ™ˆ But ye, I see it's the consensus now, will keep in mind, thank you!
MantisInABoxβ€’10mo ago
No worries.