i am having error messages while creating react app
can someone please look at it and tell me whats causing it
16 Replies
seems to be a problem related to network connectivity
but my internet is working fine
not even React recommends using create react app anymore btw https://react.dev/learn/start-a-new-react-project
i dont know next js yet
can you open the link in the error? the registry.npmjs one
oh wait it installed this time
after trying 7 times
i dont know next js should i learn it then?
that's honestly up to you, just know that create react app isn't the recommended way to use react anymore
what are the cons of using react this way
you've exhausted my react knowledge. I just know that create react app is bad
Read the link provided there's a deep dive section with details.
Don't learn Next before React. You can use Vite to create React project.
And just choose React as framework and typescript if you want it
what differnece does it make
Nextjs is React framework. You can't learn framework before learning base language
and vite is faster than create-react-app
it says it allows us to use ts n i think m good with vinalla js
yes, much faster