Railway11mo ago


Will concurrent requests to a single endpoint work? And where would the logs appear for each individual request if the app was running for two separate requests at the same time?
9 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: N/A
war11mo ago
Brody11mo ago
Will concurrent requests to a single endpoint work
if your app supports it, yes
where would the logs appear for each individual reques
if you are logging access logs to stdout they would appear in the deployment logs neither of things things railway will do for you, railway runs your code as is so it is up to your app to support these things
war11mo ago
Hi @brody192 , wondering whether you can help me with an unrelated question to this original request. Is there a limit to the length of a single log in Railway?
Brody11mo ago
that's actually a really good question, that I do not have an answer for unfortunately, normally I'd spin up a test service but I am away from the computer right now are you running into some kind of issue?
war11mo ago
no, more just trying to anticipate an issue we've had with this application we're transferring to Railway from Azure Azure's logs are limited to a certain character count and we're hoping Railway won't have that limitation
Brody11mo ago
@gschier would you happen to know of any log message length limit?
Greg Schier
Greg Schier11mo ago
We don't have a static limit like that, however we do have a throttle (I think something like 1000 / minute) There's also a chance that some of our tooling enforces a length limit but I've never heard any one running into that
war11mo ago
ok awesome thank you!