Why is Kevin using ::after, instead of just using border bottom for a simple line under the element?

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17 Replies
Jochemβ€’9mo ago
I don't think you can reasonably achieve that strike through effect with a border and even if you could, there's more than one way to solve a problem, and this is just one of them
Mannixβ€’9mo ago
you could put border on that after element instead of using height πŸ˜„
Jochemβ€’9mo ago
oh! yes, that would work πŸ˜…
snxxwyyβ€’9mo ago
You have to use a pseudo element and center it in the div using top and translate
Jochemβ€’9mo ago
what I meant was that you can't achieve it with a border on the element itself because of "Why is Kevin using ::after, instead"
Harunβ€’9mo ago
I am not talking about a strike through effect, he wants to put a simple line in the bottom of the elements and I was confused to why he is writing 7-8lines of code to achieve that, when you can do it with border-bottom: 1px solid black; That's why I asked is there something I don't get, because I am a beginner sorry for the confusion πŸ˜„
Jochemβ€’9mo ago
I'm pretty sure the ::after is there for the strike through though
Harunβ€’9mo ago
Kevin Powell
Creating a better todo app - the HTML and CSS
Watch part 2 where Kyle adds the JavaScript to make this work over on Web Dev Simplified: https://youtu.be/W7FaYfuwu70 In this video, I create the structure of a todo app, including setting up custom checkboxes, creating some fun little transitions, different use cases for custom properties, and setting it up using both grid and flexbox. Find ...
Harunβ€’9mo ago
40:40 maybe because he wants to animate it? and you cannot animate border bottoms?
snxxwyyβ€’9mo ago
he used ::after for the strike through because you can't position a regular border in the center. if you want to underline a text element use text-decoration: underline;, if you want to underline another element then yes use border: 1px solid colorhere; @iamtrazed
Harunβ€’9mo ago
Brothers just watch the video at 40:40 he does a second ::after for the strikethrough at around 50:00 the first one at 40:40 is for the bottom line
snxxwyyβ€’9mo ago
yeah you can just use border for that.
Mannixβ€’9mo ago
my guess would be he wanted more control as to where those lines appear
snxxwyyβ€’9mo ago
they both give equal control imo border one is more maintainable to me
Mannixβ€’9mo ago
no you can't move border as freelly as that element lol also op you missled us with that screenshot you posted πŸ˜„ you should have posted the final result of that
snxxwyyβ€’9mo ago
For that purpose though I’d say, if I wanted to move it I’d just add and remove margin block to the element etc
Mannixβ€’9mo ago
as i said it's just my guess i haven't watch whole video. it does look odd to use pseudo element for that