[Bug] Log lines with duplicated message IDs

on our HLL server we had one guy get a bunch of teamkills at once with a nade, however, all but the first teamkill messages received the exact same message ID. After refreshing the page, all of the messages that shared the same message ID "collapsed" into one message. The message ID: IaWJgFckEe6RQNfc9Kk3Wg Server: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/hll/9847180
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2 Replies
Meeps9mo ago
I'm also seeing this fHkeMVorEe6/MyHHxD+sHw fHkeMForEe6/MyHHxD+sHw
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Abu8mo ago
@Hordicus is this something that's being looked into? Seems to still affect all games (both HLL and Squad at least), and knowing the difference between one and ten teamkills is pretty Heartgers