How can I add a json file to my mongoDB with railway?

I have a json file containing all of the record my project needs, it is called sectorA I want to add this to the database. I have been trying to use this command
mongoimport --jsonArray --db Sectors --collection sector --file sectorA.json
mongoimport --jsonArray --db Sectors --collection sector --file sectorA.json
My termnial is telling me my command is: SyntaxError: Missing semicolon. (1:14) but when I add a semicolon the error just moves forward a place. What am I missing here? Here is my project ID: b741e4ae-cac8-410f-a15a-be6e2551fa96
16 Replies
Percy9mo ago
Project ID: b741e4ae-cac8-410f-a15a-be6e2551fa96
Brody9mo ago
is the json data sensitive?
No, it's just a very long file. It's 3 objects that are full of objects,here's the format.
"systems": [
"systemStar": "Brown-Dwarf",
"systemName": "Theaie",
"systemPlanets": [
"name": "Theaie-1",
"class": "Frozen5",
"naturalResources": [
"buildings": [],
"resourceStorage": [],
"production": [],
"orbit": [],
"hangar": [],
"ownership": "unowned"
"cords": "R-7830"
"systems": [
"systemStar": "Brown-Dwarf",
"systemName": "Theaie",
"systemPlanets": [
"name": "Theaie-1",
"class": "Frozen5",
"naturalResources": [
"buildings": [],
"resourceStorage": [],
"production": [],
"orbit": [],
"hangar": [],
"ownership": "unowned"
"cords": "R-7830"
Brody9mo ago
well for starters thats not valid json if its not sensitive can you just send the actually file over?
Here it is, it is valid json but the part I clipped was not
Brody9mo ago
and where did you get this command from? mongoimport --jsonArray --db Sectors --collection sector --file sectorA.json
I got it from a stackoverflow answer. But now I see the answer is 9 years old. That's probably the issue.
Brody9mo ago
yeah id look for a more up to data answer
I also found this from the official docs
mongoimport --uri
mongodb+srv://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<CLUSTER_NAME>/<DATABASE> --collection <COLLECTION> --type json --file <FILENAME>
mongoimport --uri
mongodb+srv://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<CLUSTER_NAME>/<DATABASE> --collection <COLLECTION> --type json --file <FILENAME>
But it is throwing an error with the --uri Should I be using the railway cli for this? Is there a railyway specific command?
Brody9mo ago
yes you should that way you wont have to manually copy around your connection string assuming you have a MONGO_URL reference variable added to your service you could run railway run mongoimport --uri $MONGO_URL --collection <COLLECTION> --type json --file <FILENAME> thats also assuming that command is correct and ran on linux
So after running that I get this error connection() error occurred during connection handshake: auth error: sasl conversation error: unable to authenticate using mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-1": (AuthenticationFailed) Authentication failed. I'm guessing I need to put my password in there, right? Or is there a setting in railway I need to tweak?
Brody9mo ago
does th version of mongoimport you are using support mongo 4.4?
Using MongoDB: 4.4.24 Using Mongosh: 2.0.1 It looks like
Brody9mo ago
the MONGO_URL contains the password, but its looking like the version of mongoimport you are using isnt fully compatible with mongo 4.4
The solution by the way was to add --authenticationDatabase=admin to the command. After that it worked
Brody9mo ago
awsome, glad you found the solution