Can't create Logpush Job: fail to prove ownership

I want to create a Logpush job. dest is R2. paid plan. Workers Trace Events followed this document. - created R2 token (read & write for a new bucket) - selected below - Workers trace events - default data fields - R2 objects - entered bucket path, access key id, and secret access key - if some key is wrong, "Validate access" will fails, but I didn't failed at this step, so I guess secrets are correct. - then, always fails at the last "5 Prove Ownership" step
pq: new row for relation "jobs" violates check constraint "jobs_buftee_can_only_be_logstream" (Code:1002)
pq: new row for relation "jobs" violates check constraint "jobs_buftee_can_only_be_logstream" (Code:1002)
screenshot is here.
Enable Cloudflare R2 · Cloudflare Logs docs
Cloudflare Logpush supports pushing logs directly to R2 via the Cloudflare dashboard or via API.
1 Reply
miyamonz9mo ago
Ahhhh, I forgot to set logpush=true in wrangler.toml !!! now it works. Maybe the error occurs when logpush is not set to true for any worker. It would be nice to see a clear error message.