Z-Banding V Minion
So I guess this is z banding. Anyone got an idea what I could do against it on my v minion.
29 Replies
never mind, I guess it's not z banding
now im just confused
is the setscrew tight on the leadscrew?
@blacksmithforlife yes very tight could it be to tight?
either your leadscrew isn't turning when it should because the connection to the stepper is poor, or something is jamming which is preventing the Z axis from going up. If you move the leadscrew by hand the entire length of Z does it move smoothly?
ok, i moved the leadscrew by hand and by comment with +10 and it sounded normal and moved smootly from what i can tell.
its not bend either and the space between top and bottom from linear rail to leadscrew is also the same
no, turn the machine off and move it by hand
your hand is much more sensitive and will feel if there is resistance
ok will do that thanks, does it matter if i go from top to bottom or the other way
I would do both. Go all the way to the top and all the way back down
btw - unplug your stepper from your board. You don't want to fry it by moving the stepper too fast
ok will do that
so i did it and it was as smooth as my ender 3 leadscrew and i needed about the same amount of force/strenght
are the setscrews on the flat of the stepper?
what do you mean by that?
do you mean theese?
there are different types of couplers - some of them have multiple setscrews so that you can put one on the flat of the stepper motor so it can't slip
Like that?
yes, but is that the kind you have?
no I have the one from the first picture
@blacksmithforlife tried a different slicer just in case left is super right is prusa. it's almost not visible by the eye from superslicer. guess if I can't fix it I just have to print way slower lol.
this isn't a slicer issue
yeah I just hoped it is
I bought the coupler from the second picture maybe it helps.
if that doesn't help I'm not sure what will. took the z axis assembly apart twice now with no improvement
@blacksmithforlife I installed one of theese couplers and now the first line is almost gone, but the others are still there
Time for you to watch it print and see what happens when that line appears
what an enoying error. hate that about 3d printing one day everything works fine and then nothing works
how much play to the left and right is normal for the leadscrew in the anti backlash nut
Take a video and post it
@blacksmithforlife well it wasn't z banding it was stupidity. I should've measured the lines and looked what could've caused it in the sliced file. the lines matched up with every layer where I turned down my print speed to 25mms and 60% 4028 fan to bridge...
And why would that cause the issue?
I have no clue, but it's gone and i meassured the height of the artifacts and it matches with the layer height of bridged areas in the slicer
@blacksmithforlife well nevermind i just saw that i printed the part with 10% infill instead of the 25% i used for the others so that couldve impacted the result
@blacksmithforlife the line that I marked white and the ones above all match up with layer heights where bridging happens. does that happen with z banding ?