MySQL vs Postgres for reducing costs

I'm going to start a project using Strapi, which supports both. In my experience using Railway, most of my costs are due to memory usage: both reading and writing is infrequent. My searches for which RDBMS uses less memory turned out to be inconclusive. Has anyone conducted tests to see which one is cheaper on Railway? I accept anecdotal experience as well.
5 Replies
Percy9mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Josso Ares
Josso Ares9mo ago
N/A Launching both, it seems like MySQL is idling at 450 MB and Postgres is idling at 50 MB. But in the long run...
Brody9mo ago
took the words right out of my keyboard, idle memory consumption is less, but once data starts flowing, i dont have an answer for that, but maybe someone else who sees this thread could give you a more in depth answer
celebrations9mo ago
you can host free serverless postgres databases with services such as neon
Neon — Serverless, Fault-Tolerant, Branchable Postgres
Postgres made for developers. Easy to Use, Scalable, Cost efficient solution for your next project.
ChaoticKitten8mo ago
Have you seen any differences by now?