Railway9mo ago

Beginner question :)

Hey everyone patrikbaby I want to deploy a full-stack web-app of mine, but I want to keep working on it. I already found the services to host my API and front-end files, and I'm working with Git and GitHub. What is the best precise to have different .env secrets, one for local development, and one for live project? For example, URL="http://localhost:3000/" vs URL="https://domain.com/". Also, how do I remove sensitive data from past commits, if I want to make my repository public?
3 Replies
Percy9mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Leo9mo ago
Brody9mo ago
give this a read https://docs.railway.app/develop/environments as for the sensitive data in your repo, a repo should never contain any credentials, regardless if it's a private repo or public repo, if you've previously committed credentials to your repo your only course of action would be to go and regenerate them