React app deployment
After reading Brody's guide, I've installed "serve" and changed the package.json accordingly.
I'm reaching step 8/10 in the deploy,
but failing, probably because of this:
"#12 18.67 Treating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true."
and I have ton of warning.
I'm quite a beginner, but hopefully I gave enough details, and can supply more if needed 🙂
37 Replies
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Well, seems like CI = false did the trick
yeah that same guide at the bottom gives additional tips, and one of is about CI
lol missed that
Thanks a lot Brody! Really helpful stuff
though, I have recently been recommending caddy as a far more cost effective way to run frontend apps on railway, serve uses around 60-70mb of ram and caddy uses sub 30mb
Well, if it's an easy switch, I'm up to it
What's the upsides for me if I may ask
if your interested in that I have a template that shows that, using caddy on railway should be a simple as copying two files from my template repo into your repo
less memory, less money
and stupid question, why there's no favicon in my deploy?
you never set one?
I have it set locally
I mean, when I run the app
I have it on the local:3000 tab
open up the console logs and see if there are failed requests to the favicon.ico
Seems like "everything" loads fine
is the png the favicon?
It would be favicon.ico
This is the local tab
show me the head html that specifies the favicon to use
I believe it's the default with create-react-app
and let's see that same code from the Railway site
and what happens when you click that favicon link
nothing 😐
something has to happen, good or bad
It's unclickable
go to it manually
SSL error?
seems like it
any reason for hiding that url?
Or something of that nature
It's a private project
I don't mind sharing with you
but not the whole server
okay please share
just want the link
send it here, the second I copy it, I will delete the message from the server
favicon works for me
typical browser cache, try a different browser or in incognito
Thanks a lot Brody
Sorry for wasting your time
you have not wasted my time, I'm here to help