Spam me with JavaScript projects for a beginner.

Hi I am a beginner in javascript (I have knowleage with html/css) and want to start creating some projects, can you guys give me some ideas about beginner friendly projects to start with? I want them to go from really easy and then step by step adding more difficulty.. I want to have lots of projects I can be creating this week. I want both real world projects and some fun ones to create just for the purpose of learning.
6 Replies
b1mind9mo ago
Free exercises to practice for modern frontend interviews
b1mind9mo ago
JavaScript 30
JavaScript 30
Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials
Ylli9mo ago is awesome.
Ylli9mo ago
Frontend Mentor
Frontend Mentor | Front-end coding challenges using a real-life wor...
Improve your front-end skills by building real projects. Solve real-world HTML, CSS and JavaScript challenges whilst working to professional designs.
Aski9mo ago
Thanks guys
13eck9mo ago
Please note that this channel is for getting code-specific help. Questions like this are better suited to #discussions .