Looking for (cheaper) alternative to Ralph Polo outfit

Hi guys. I live in Tokyo so prices are already crazy. I want this vest but it’s $600 here. Are there any online alternatives like ASOS? Thanks.
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4 Replies
sinbad9mo ago
if you live in tokyo check out beams plus. lots of similar sweater vests
hippurus_magnus9mo ago
I feel like the vest in particular could be found in a thrift store if you’re looking to minimize spend
Smiles9mo ago
It should be noted Beams has a ton of Japanese only lines (Beams is their base line, roughly equivalent to J. Crew, there's also Beams Heart which is a budget line) at different price brackets, only Beams+ (their premium line) is sold in the west though. They would be the obvious first choice for this though.
AaronBinJP9mo ago
Thanks. I will give them a look.