bsherman is there a differnce between

@bsherman is there a differnce between kmod for v4l2loopback and our kmods? mainly asking would using kmods directly from rpmfusion circumvent these issues you are trying to solve
96 Replies
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
not 100% sure what you mean... our akmods repo just pre-builds the akmods from rpmfusion for the specific kernel on the image version we are deploying and stages them so we can later install
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
hmm, so why could i layer v4l2loopback in past even tho out akmods were already applied but you are saying that after we make an image users cant apply new ones
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
v4l2loopback was the very first kmod added to main images, so I'm not sure when you could have done so
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
nvidia was the first one ever i had it in an nvidia image
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
true, i was just referring to main, not nvidia interesting question. I'd have to sift through commits... another side of the problem is the inclusion of kernel-devel packages, i'm not sure if they were part of nvidia way back then but, regardless, the problem trying to solve has more to do with simplifiying the overall build process and incidentally makes the main images simpler/better for layering akmods
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
ok looked at when i had added v4l2 akmod to my image it was mid april so i layered it before that as i was testing if that is enought to enable obs virtual cam(and it was)
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
that was not coming across well in the chat discussion ok, i'm going to look at nvidia from that time frame, interesting
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
what does it simplify? just curious
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
did you read my proposal?
akdevβ€’9mo ago
the problem with the local layering seems to be that basically we freeze the dev dependencies at the build time and when a user tries to do rpm-ostree install some-akmod then the kernel version it tries to pull in will be whatever is available in the repos and not what we set at build time Hence dep conflict
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
from proposal πŸ™‚ - Reduce complexity of builds and number of images maintained - Provide a single foundational image for all downstream Universal Blue images/users - Prevent artificial restrictions on downstream usage the single foundational image is confused today because of both nokmods and main existing
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
i didnt even know nokmods image existed so
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
yeah, it's getting confusing as we try to make workarounds that's part of what i'm trying to address before it gets worse
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
that doesnt seem to be a problem if you update the image daily
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
but main with kmods can't be the base for all of ublue today we had to hack a workaround
akdevβ€’9mo ago
It may be a problem depending on which mirrors are hit, time frame of the kernel release and which mirrors have which versions Basically the same problem we were having of Rpmfusion being out of sync
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
eh, it's different, becasue by adding a kmod to main it prevents downstreams from changing kernels
akdevβ€’9mo ago
I mean the root cause of why the kmods get that dependency conflict
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
it shouldnt
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
i mean πŸ™‚ there's a lot of things i think shouldn't work a certain way... i agree with you it should work better but RJ Kyle and I were all certainly stuck on this
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
better question would have been why so im asking why now because i dont see a reason why it wouldnt work
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
I am happy for you to find the answer and share. I would appreciate it.
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
first i would like to know why you think it doesnt work or point me to discussion of why it doesnt work
akdevβ€’9mo ago
[Bug] you can't install akmod-wl Β· Issue #85 Β· ublue-os/main
When I install akmod-wl on my laptop using the silverblue-main:37 image, I get the following error. It works fine on the official silverblue image but this error apears on ublue. To reproduce, inst...
akdevβ€’9mo ago
It’s linked in the proposal I think At least in the original ticket it was
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
i think this was for the original question where i said that i could install akmods in past even if there were akmods present, now we are talking about adding kmod prevents downstream from changing kernel which seems not how it should work if you remove all kmods and kernel you should be able to add new kernel
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
I feel like you're asking me to document months of intermittent effort here... not all done by me.
akdevβ€’9mo ago
Yeah I think the problem with that is that you need to know what to remove, I think bazzite did that before nokmods existed - you can check their issue tracker
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
yes becuase you are essentially saying trust me bro, i have a hard time making such a decision without being properly informed
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
akdevβ€’9mo ago
Asking for such level of documentation seems completely unwarranted - that takes a lot of time to do… Possibly more than making the changes themselves
EyeCantCUβ€’9mo ago
@Bigpod it doesn't work. I've confirmed it as well
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
I suppose I'm more saying I trust @EyeCantCU and @KyleGospo ... maybe that's an appeal to authority, but they were the ones blocked on asus/surface support and this is related to how we resolved that issue.
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
You can't install akmods on OCI, I tested this with the upstream fedora images It's a limitation
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
here's a thread where the asus/surface stuff was discussed and covers how we got to having nokmods, etc... but yeah, i really don't feel like I need to document this at such a level. not like this has been done in secret
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
So we have to install them during the image creation
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
wait what great thats enough
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
That's why we do this at all End users can't layer kmods themselves
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
i think we are talking in circles, again in mid april i layered a v4l2loopback(and installed via oci for actual deployment) kmod from rpmfusion while nvidia was already installed unless at the time nvidia wasnt installed as kmod something must have changed between now and then
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
Can you reproduce that? That is against my entire knowledge on this subject
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
idk, i guess its been a while i would need to find a kmod for soemthing that i can test in rpmfusion to install since v4l2loopback is shipped with main now
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
Don't test main, test the image main depends on You should be unable to successfully layer an akmod
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
ok let me spin up a vm give me half an hour im creating a clean VM
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
ima point out some fun here πŸ™‚ no matter the outcome, we all win!
If Bigpod's test shows we're doing something wrong, that's great becasue we get to improve it for the whole poject and (arguably) can drop the *-nokmods and i'm mostly happy (because my bigger issue is keeping the sope narrow and supporting clean set of "base" images on which everything can rely) if not, at least we'll be more confident in the rationale for the proposal. thanks for digging in, @Bigpod
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
honestly im doing it just as much to see if im an idiot becuase i remember having it for few weeks layered before i got of my ass and added it to my image
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
lol that's totally fair
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
yup, ty for the test I've been braindead before
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
@bsherman @KyleGospo i loaded original oci image( used kionite as was first one that i clicked on) into my clean new install of fedora kinoite added obs-studio from flatpak and rpmfusion after reboot i installed akmod-v4l2loopback package from rpmfusion it installed without any errors or warnings and i have virtual cam support in obs-studio
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
modinfo v4l2loopback works?
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
i get back stuff bunch of lines of text back like filename alias version license
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
EyeCantCUβ€’9mo ago
It's nice that layering them appears to work but I think removing them is still an issue for custom kernels. unfortunately. We had tried doing this over in ASUS but never got anywhere
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
well now i know i might not be an idiot
EyeCantCUβ€’9mo ago
akdevβ€’9mo ago
If you try with a ublue main image it will probably fail with a dependency error
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
well some error will occur since v4l2loopback akmod is already installed
akdevβ€’9mo ago
Yeah you need a different one Idk what Rpmfusion has Virtual box drivers? akmod-VirtualBox Seems to exist maybe that
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
ill rebase to main and try ok its rebasing
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
[Critical bug] Unable to layer akmod-wl Β· Issue #229 Β· ublue-os/b...
This is what I typed sudo rpm-ostree install akmod-wl on bazzite kde (not nvidia or deck version) Checking out tree 161ccab... done Enabled rpm-md repositories: fedora-cisco-openh264 fedora-modular...
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
from prior to us shipping WL so this wasn't a conflict
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
@akdev @KyleGospo @bsherman ok i rebased to kinoite main and first tried installing akmod-VirtualBox which had this same error output as above bug report i also tried akmod-wireguard which installed normally modinfo has proper output, so at the end of it all im up for this change as it appears some akmod packages for whatever reasons arent working
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
weird v4l2 works but I'm glad we're not on dumb dumb juice over here it's this way for a reason
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
well both v4l2 and wireguard work
1/4 Life
1/4 Lifeβ€’9mo ago
wireguard is built into the kernel now, should be no kmod at all you're just getting the CLI
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
I've just installed akmods-VirtualBox on bluefin-dx and bluefin-dx-framework without problems
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
hmmm plot thickens
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
yeah i will now go to bluefin, because i started on silverblue-main where it didn't work
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
did you layer it or in containerfile
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
i'm layering it
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
hmm plot thickens becuase when i install akmod-VirtualBox i get smae looking error as above akmod-wl does
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
yep that error i've seen too i'm on bluefin:38 and i got that error
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
but its installed ?
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
so if you seen the eror then you had problems
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
it wants to install 3packages, where on bluefin-dx-framework installed 58 why does it work on bluefin-dx and dx-framework, but not on bluefin
akdevβ€’9mo ago
If my theory is correct that the root cause is due to mismatching versions on base image vs mirrors
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
i reset everything before rebasing btw
akdevβ€’9mo ago
You would see intermittent failures like we did on nvidia kmods for that reason too But maybe it is not that though
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
there is a reason i hate mirrors just like i hate cache and this just compounds it
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
oke so now i go back into bluefin-dx and see whats happends lol on dx it just installs
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
πŸ€” 🀯 !πŸ€”
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
akmod-wl on bluefin-dx without problems, i will go to bluefin now on bluefin akmod-wl errors out i try akmod-VirtualBox one more time errors out Well i have no clue why, but that is what's happening lol
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
tried swapping a kernel on bluefix-dx? πŸ™‚
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
let me reset and rebase back to bluefin-dx πŸ˜„ getting those pull numbers up πŸ˜„
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
you don't have to, but it's probably more of a blocker than the akmods since that's needed for asus/surface
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
i will try
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
as far as the errors from the akmod "post" phase... there could possibly be some variety based on how the different rpms are configured we already have a solution for the kernel swap on asus/surface... i'm just curious
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
but isn't it strange that it happends on bluefin only, but not on dx? could it be that some strange dependancy is installed in dx or something?
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
you say you get this error still? Unable to open sqlite database /usr/share/rpm/rpmdb.sqlite: unable to open data?
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
sorry i don't know which one exactly, a post install(bwrap something something)
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
yeah something like error: Running %post for akmod-wl: bwrap(/bin/sh): Child process killed by signal 1; run journalctl -t 'rpm-ostree(' for more information
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
yep thats the one i will get a specific one if you need, from journalctl, but i first do the surface thing
error: Could not depsolve transaction; 1 problem detected:
Problem: package kernel-devel-matched-6.4.15-200.fc38.x86_64 from @System requires kernel-core = 6.4.15-200.fc38, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
error: Could not depsolve transaction; 1 problem detected:
Problem: package kernel-devel-matched-6.4.15-200.fc38.x86_64 from @System requires kernel-core = 6.4.15-200.fc38, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
bshermanβ€’9mo ago
yep that's one of the problems we've seen
beekabopβ€’9mo ago
well haha, i'm clueless about anything else. It is some strange stuff need some error output from the bluefin version install akmod-wl? verified was still working on bluefin-dx, and on bluefin i got the famous error jep its the sql one
Bigpodβ€’9mo ago
this is wierd