Noticed a gash in my Iron Rangers today. Any way to repair?

Title says it all. Unsure of what to do in this situation. If I can't fix them is there anything I can do to make it look a little better as well as prevent further damage?
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4 Replies
Gideo9mo ago
You should take this to a local cobbler. They’ll likely glue the flaps down and use some sort if leather paint to cover as much of the color variation as possible.
awburkey9mo ago
The pieces that are still attached you can re-attach with some super glue. The rest you can try to fill in with various products. Ik Saphir sells some and then you can hit it with some conditioner and polish They're IRs tho as well so I think it's just hard
Ryuuzaki9mo ago
Thanks a ton guys. I'll look for a local cobbler. I'm not sure if we have one in my rural town. If I cant find some I'll try to do it myself with the suggested methods
Gideo9mo ago
Goodluck! As long as most of the leather flaps are there, getting to glue it down is a great first step if you don't have any cobblers around. You probably won't need to bother with any sort of dyes either.