Libsecrets is not working with Flatpaks installed on Bazzite

Issue: When opening flatpaks (like XIV Launcher or Visual Studio Code), you can normally save your credentials into the gnome-keyring for things like settings sync in VSCode or saving your login password for XIV Launcher. In the bazzite-gnome this works fine, but in bazzite (with kde), it gives you an error saying it cannot access gnome-keyring. Testing: I've confirmed that gnome-keyring is installed through rpm-ostree and the proper permissions for accessing the keyring are in the flatpaks. I'm not sure if the immutable distro is causing issues for KDE or what is going on, but all recommended fixes I've found on google suggest installing gnome-keyring. Screenshot from XIV Launcher
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26 Replies
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
I'm open to the pre-installing that if it doesn't have any side effects @EyeCantCU pulling you in on this
Noel9mo ago
gnome-keyring? It's already there, that's the thing that's weird.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
Your message implies it may be there but removed, oci images are a little funny like that
Noel9mo ago
[noel@desktop][/run/user/1000/keyring]$ rpm-ostree install gnome-keyring
error: "gnome-keyring" is already provided by: gnome-keyring-42.1-3.fc38.x86_64. Use --allow-inactive to explicitly require it.
[noel@desktop][/run/user/1000/keyring]$ rpm-ostree install gnome-keyring
error: "gnome-keyring" is already provided by: gnome-keyring-42.1-3.fc38.x86_64. Use --allow-inactive to explicitly require it.
[noel@desktop][~]$ gnome-keyring
usage: gnome-keyring command [options]
commands: certificate-exception
[noel@desktop][~]$ gnome-keyring
usage: gnome-keyring command [options]
commands: certificate-exception
It's clearly installed from what I can tell.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
Interesting, I get that same message trying to install game mode which is very definitely uninstalled by us Perhaps there's some extra configuration needed
Noel9mo ago
It's possible.
Noel9mo ago
Error from VSCode:
No description
Noel9mo ago
gonna test some stuff in my local dev environment.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
You're running in a KDE environment but the OS keyring is not avail...
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes VS Code Version: 1.81.0-1690980880 (Flatpak, latest currently available) OS Version: EndeavourOS Linux x86_64, 6.4.7-arch1-3, KDE Plasma...
Noel9mo ago
Yeah, I tried adding the flag and to the argv.json and it still doesn't work. It just says "You seem to be using gnome, please make sure gnome-keyring is working"
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
some good things to try in here
Noel9mo ago
Yeah, I found that article too..
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
I think flatpak complicates this a bit gonna check around their github, see if theres open reports there
Noel9mo ago
yeah. I'm wondering if maybe the better approach is to install xivlauncher and visual studio code through a distrobox. xivlauncher has an aur package.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
if you're on desktop you can install that right in bazzite-arch distrobox-enter bazzite-arch -- paru -S xivlauncher or whatever it's called
Noel9mo ago
I'm gonna try explicitly forcing gnome-keyring to be installed and see if that fixes it.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
here we go, that's promising
Noel9mo ago
YES that is very promising. lemme give that a shot. I think it might be working? I'm not getting an error still doesn't work for xivlauncher, might an issue with their flatpak in general. gonna do some digging, It's not a deal killer for me on that.
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
Worst case running it in the arch box might actually perform better Since you'll have a slightly newer copy of mesa in use
Noel9mo ago
Yeah, I might do some testing for that package to see if it would be better using the AUR for XIVLauncher. So the visual studio code flatpak is having all kinds of problems for me. I may just want to layer that on. I run into other issues trying to run VSCode in a distrobox. I don't have access to the host terminal for one thing. I'm still gonna try forcing an install of gnome-keyring to see if that fixes the issue with XIVLauncher. yeah, no change when forcing the install. Yeah, so the AUR package installs the files in the same place and is a drop-in replacement for the flatpak version. for XIVLauncher. and the password saving works on KDE in that version.
Noel9mo ago
Downgrade libsecret to 0.19.1 by szescxz · Pull Request #30 · flath...
Copy-pasted from flathub/ (see also Fixes goatcorp/FFXIVQuickLauncher#1031 (at least for non-SteamOS users)
1/4 Life
1/4 Life9mo ago
ah cool, szescxz contributes here too hopefully that's merged soon then
Noel9mo ago
yeah! That would be nice. I bet that's the problem in visual studio code flatpak too then.
EyeCantCU9mo ago
Away ATM, will definitely give this a good look tomorrow