neck tie club

Do you have any recommendations for a neck tie club brand ? Ralph Lauren are nice but they are very pricy
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10 Replies
Do you mean a neck tie? You can find similar ties on eBay for pretty cheap - Drake’s, Brooks Brothers, and Polo are all great for that. Polo has a ton in that particular style while BB’s are more conservative/traditional. Try searching for stripe and then filtering by used. There are tons of repp stripe ties on eBay so whether or not you filter by brand is up to you.
callthatgoing_9mo ago
The first rule of Cravate Club
gimp9mo ago
Those look like very wide ties... cravats are a different thing, unless you're French
This pic is from a Drake’s lookbook so they are 8 or 9cm
gimp9mo ago
really??? did they put them on the skinniest models known to man? They look a solid 10, maybe 11cm to my eye Or maybe my eye sucks. :P
I think it’s the back blade throwing you off The burgundy navy gold one popped up on eBay yesterday and I’m still regretting passing on it
Alex9mo ago
Polo has a nearly identical one this season
leroideskiki9mo ago
I’m French, sorry for the translation Thanks !
Erik9mo ago
Secondhand is the best for finding ties, so much more affordable that way
leroideskiki9mo ago
Yes, i have find some Ralph Lauren but not a lot brooks brothers or drake’s