Resolved-Enclosure shelf parts don’t fit

First RR build. 500. Printed the enclosure top shelf parts right and left. They don’t seem to align with the umbilical strain relief part. Also doesn’t seem to be a hole for that part either. I’m probably doing something wrong. Any advice is much appreciated. ✌️
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3 Replies
SwissStar_BL_29mo ago
Other way round. They are mounted from the underside of the electronics compartment Look at the cad, you can see there
SwissStar_BL_29mo ago
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🅰4⃣🍩9mo ago
Derp. Got it. Now it all makes sense. Funny I was looking at the cad (but having issues with viewing) and it looked right. But looking at your image it all makes sense now. Thanks! 😊✌️