Novu9mo ago

Changes in code not getting reflected

Hi @unicodeveloper I have added a email provider template, but it just doesn't reflect in the UI. can you please help me? I have added handler, added it to mail.factory.ts and similarly for email.ts too, but its just not reflecting
37 Replies
Prosper9mo ago
Please can you provide more context? Where are you in all the steps you followed? Have you added the logos for the new email provider, both dark and light?
ninja79mo ago
first I ran
npm run generate:provider
npm run generate:provider
and setup the provider template, I also created all the files within which I will be working, for example: emailProvider.handler.ts, factory, ... I mean I have setup all the files, I need to only work on Provider and handler function now Images also have been added in the respective folder and configured as well I think one possible issue is I think I need to install dependencies at the newProvider folder
Prosper9mo ago
I think you need to ensure you are done with all the processes, installation and code so it's easier to debug and reflect
ninja79mo ago
also do you think I need to install dependencies for the provider? /provider/emailProvider
Novu_Bot9mo ago
@ninja7, you just advanced to level 4!
Prosper9mo ago
yes, because you need to install whatever library you are using to send the email itself for the new provider
ninja79mo ago
I have written all the code necessary, now I am confused about the next step
Prosper9mo ago
So are you running it and getting any issues? because you need to run it, see it in the UI, test the flow.
ninja79mo ago
I mean do I do
npm run setup:project
npm run setup:project
Prosper9mo ago
You need to run the api service and also run the web in your terminals. run “pnpm start” from the api directory (to ensure the api is running successfully) on one terminal and run "pnpm start" from the web directory in another terminal to ensure the web UI is running successfully make sure you build from the root directory first with something like pnpm build
ninja78mo ago
@madd hey there, i need your help bro
madd8mo ago
Sorry for delay, what is the problem? You can also build from /providers/your-provider and there are two scripts:
npm run build
npm run build
npm run watch:build
npm run watch:build
Avery change code in your provider will rebuild provider.
ninja78mo ago
no worries, I have successfully built but how do I determine if its working or not? I mean if I am able to send any email or not here is what I did so far: 1) added all necessary files, images and code everything 2) successfully ran 'npm run setup:project' again and also ran test @unicodeveloper can you please help me on this matter?
Prosper8mo ago
You need to now follow the normal step of adding a provider, making it a primary provider and then triggering an email notification via code. Put yourself in the shoe of a user that is trying to use Novu with the new provider you just added
Prosper8mo ago
for example, follow this quickstart and use it to test your own provider you just added to see if your work is actually working https://docs.novu.co/quickstarts/nodejs
Node.js - Novu
Learn how to use Novu to quickly send multi-channel (SMS, Email, Chat, Push) notifications with Node.js.
Prosper8mo ago
OR better still Just ensure you have access to the Novu dashboard locally, Login and create a new workflow, add an email channel, ensure you have setup the provider (your new provider) from the integrations store. And then there is a test button on the workflow section where you can trigger a test notification
ninja78mo ago
No description
ninja78mo ago
I went with usingg Novu dashboard locally, it goes good until above screen Once I click on 'Set up Digest workflow', it shows error
ninja78mo ago
No description
Prosper8mo ago
Please create a normal workflow No need for a digest workflow Click on go back to take you to creating a blank workflow
ninja78mo ago
ninja78mo ago
No description
ninja78mo ago
same problem with blank workflow too I can confirm its not working, all i see is above screen @unicodeveloper
Prosper8mo ago
is the api service running
ninja78mo ago
yes sir
Prosper8mo ago
Hmmn that's weird
ninja78mo ago
no wait, I see error on API and workers' ongoing terminal
ninja78mo ago
This is worker terminal
No description
ninja78mo ago
@unicodeveloper This is API's terminal
No description
ninja78mo ago
@Pawan Jain can you help me sir? @unicodeveloper should I just make a PR?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain8mo ago
Hi @ninja7 Yeah that would help Please create a PR we will review and suggest the issue
ninja78mo ago
yeah let me do that in an instant just did sir
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain8mo ago
Thanks I will check over the weekend 😀
ninja78mo ago
Someone please go through my PR @unicodeveloper @Pawan Jain https://github.com/novuhq/novu/pull/4442 i think i needn't add pnpm-lock.yaml file
Novu_Bot8mo ago
@ninja7, you just advanced to level 7!
ninja78mo ago
Hi @Zac Clifton I have resolved the conflicts like you suggested
ninja78mo ago
Add/hashmail email provider by bibaswan7 · Pull Request #4442 · nov...
What change does this PR introduce? It adds hashmail email provider to Novu API reference: https://docs.hashmail.dev/docs/trigger-notifications-with-api Why was this change needed? Solves #4337 Oth...