Bot protection for pages

Is WAF or bot protection available for cloudflare pages? i tried to look here - does it mean it only supports the root domain and not a sub-domain?
6 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak39mo ago
You can use those on a custom domain in your zone. You don’t get to control it for the domain.
jayp8mo ago
Under the pages section, there is no option to enable it. it only shows if i add it as a website.
Cyb3r-Jak38mo ago
Correct, you have to do it through your zone settings
jayp8mo ago
Okay, so I moved my primary domain to Cloudflare. It is enabled for the root domain, when I create a sub-domain, it says the sub-domain has its traffic proxied through Cloudflare, so once i add the ip address which i see while setting the custom domain from cloudflare pages. does it mean the bot protection is enabled for this sub-domain?
No description
Cyb3r-Jak38mo ago
Yeah. And proxied subdomain is cover by bot protection
jayp8mo ago
Thank you 🙏