Accidentally bought the Bluecherry MX 2

Hey, I accidentally bought the Bluecherry MX 2 while I was saving up for the Cream switch. Is there any return button or can you just redeposit on my account?
7 Replies
fero9mo ago
hi, we currently cannot refund purchases. apologies for the issue i can give you some free keycaps to help you get back there though
Robo-bot9mo ago
<@!281412471917379584> was awarded 150 keycaps!
Diedje8mo ago
Is there any button coming in the future that you can refund a key of anything in the next 24 hours after buy. And can I get 5 extra keycaps bcs if i get to the 500.000K keystrokes is still miss 5 keycaps to buy the cream switch hihi
Robo-bot8mo ago
<@!281412471917379584> was awarded 100 keycaps!
halu8mo ago
hmm prob not, i dont have a good way to schedule the purchase outside of the backend (which isnt my area of expertise here)
Diedje8mo ago
Thx btw for the hundo
Amongg6mo ago
I did accendintly bought The gateron Black can you help me?