Novu8mo ago

facing issue

Why can i only use one of the chat channels (either discord) or (slack) for all my workflows? and not have slack on one workflow and discord in another?
3 Replies
Prosper8mo ago
When you make a provider of a channel (in your case, chat channel) your primary provider, that is what will be used for all your workflows by default. However, you can specify a secondary provider during the trigger event like this:
await novu.trigger("workflow-id", {
to: {...},
payload: {...},
overrides: {
email: { integrationIdentifier: 'the identifier'} ,
sms: { integrationIdentifier: 'the identifier'},
chat: { integrationIdentifier: 'provider-identifier'}
await novu.trigger("workflow-id", {
to: {...},
payload: {...},
overrides: {
email: { integrationIdentifier: 'the identifier'} ,
sms: { integrationIdentifier: 'the identifier'},
chat: { integrationIdentifier: 'provider-identifier'}
Did you add multiple providers, discord and slack to your chat channel in the integration store?
N01R8mo ago
yea i did Also a side question: What should my slack app look like for me to get messages to my slack server???
Prosper8mo ago
Slack - Novu
Learn about how to use Slack provider for chat notifications