Railway8mo ago

Sudden intermittent node fetch failures

Have a deployment which has been working fine for months, but in the last 24 hours node fetch has started to cause server crashes with several different bits of code which fetch from different locations (which would point towards the railway end rather than multiple remote hosts) Are there problems with outgoing connections?
5 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: b97a420c-bc3e-4bd6-89e8-a06b1e2176bd
gazhay8mo ago
b97a420c-bc3e-4bd6-89e8-a06b1e2176bd This has appeared again. Timeouts to multiple different sources. Are we getting rate limited on outgoing connections?
Brody8mo ago
railway does not have any throttling or rate limiting for outgoing connections, they only have metering. I would recommend adding proper error handling, a failed network fetch request should never be allowed to cause a crash.
gazhay8mo ago
I have error handling, but its the node implementation of fetch with undici which has the bug.
Brody8mo ago
use a newer version of node? fetch in node 18 is still experiment isn't it?