Can't compose docker ymls because docker fails to install
hey guys, i've been trying to install docker as railway can't take docker-compose.yml, right?
my first time working with docker myself, i've been trying to install docker desktop for a bit now but i keep running into this error:
I have already tried to enable Hyper-V and containers via Powershell and normal ui but to no avail
32 Replies
you are trying to install docker into a container on railway?
yes thats correct
the containers arent ran with the permissions to allow that
😕 so what are my options here mister brody
lay m out for me
manually set up all the services on railway
sad day to be alive
or is it
what are you trying to deploy?
anyways thanks i guess ill figure something out
a docker file
but im still at the docker-compose.yml
why does that need docker compose?
but i cant turn it inpt a dockerfile cus
my docker fails
at like ring0 level or whatever its failing due to some windows issues
i might have to install linux on 2nd machine and try to make docker like that
sounds like you are doing something wrong lol
i dont think u understand my issue
docker does not install on my pc to make a dockerfile
no offense, I don't think you understand your issue 🤣
docker desktop fails to install
I don't have docker on my computer either, doesn't stop me from writing dockerfiles
whats there for me not to understand of docker desktop failing
it okay ill figure sum out
idk what's the purpose of installing docker? because you don't need it to write a dockerfile
allows me to locally run dockerfiles
allowing for faster development as i dont need to wait for the dockerfile to be built in the deploy
well then you would need to publicly publish the docker image
to run dockerized apps locally?
no to run them on railway
(im not docker literate)
okay i c
these are the railway threads
doesnt railway docker all the code that it gets to deploy
couldnt i drop in a dockerfilee straight away
if thats what railway runs in the end
you're confusing both me and yourself 🤣🤣
im so glad i'm not a hired software engineer, i'd kill myself
yeah well
ill just avoid docker
Yes, any code you push to railway will be bundled and run with nixpacks, or your own custom Dockerfile. You don’t need to use a Dockerfile if you just want to deploy some code, nixpacks can do that all for you
yes i know the code part
it was the me giving a dockerfile
that i wasnt sure of
thanks for your reply
If your repo provides a Dockerfile, it will run your Dockerfile, but if you don’t have one, it will still deploy your code. You don’t necessarily need to use a Dockerfile. None of my projects use them