Google oauth redirect_uri_mismatch

Is there way to get google oauth to work? I'm running into weird issues related to the callback during the redirect. If I understand, railway proxies things in a special way, which causes the issue. I read in another post that changing the url to http rather than https solves the problem, but that isn't a good workaround because google requires clients that are in production to be https.
11 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Brody8mo ago
wouldn't this just be something you've missconfigured?
Ryan The Temp
Ryan The Temp8mo ago
That's what I thought too, but if I make the change as described here: It loads the consent screen, but the url is then blocked because its not https
Brody8mo ago
well then use https
Ryan The Temp
Ryan The Temp8mo ago
https causes verification to fail with OAUTH_REQUEST_FAILED
Brody8mo ago
then it sounds like you've missconfigured something? but unfortunately this wouldn't be a platform issue, and this question is out of the scope of these help threads
Ryan The Temp
Ryan The Temp8mo ago
so, actually https doesn't even show the consent screen, it just errors out with OAUTH_REQUEST_FAILED. with http shows the consent screen, but the redirect domain is blocked by google
Brody8mo ago
this would be something you have missconfigured, not an issue with railway
Ryan The Temp
Ryan The Temp8mo ago
ok, I'll look through it again thx What is this comment mean in the other post I linked to? It looks like you may be experiencing a Google Oauth redirect_uri_mismatch issue, which is likely due to the way the proxy is setup on Railway. ⚠️ experimental feature What is that talking about?
Brody8mo ago
that is an AI bot answer, pay absolutely no attention to it
Ryan The Temp
Ryan The Temp8mo ago
oh, ok lol