Rotating Tab links in mobile

I'm trying to achieve this tabs layout. I've attached the desktop version and the mobile version I'm trying to get. Desktop is fine but facing problem while implementing the mobile version. I've rotated the product-tab-menu-link in mobile but it's not filling the whole space available. what would be right approach?
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6 Replies
Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡8mo ago
this is how it got implimented
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snxxwyy8mo ago
I’d look into the writing-mode property and transform rotate. Personally in my opinion, the sideways design for the tabs is a little bit of a headache to look at and to navigate as the user will have to sort of tilt their head to read them, I recommend having them horizontal perhaps stacking on top of eachother or in a pop out menu.
MarkBoots8mo ago
yea, for the mobile, i would change to an accordion, or maybe better just show them 1 by one underneath each other,
Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡8mo ago
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Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡8mo ago
Was able to get it as expected, but yeah got it tested from a few users, they were not able to figure out in a glance that these are tabs. I'll be switching the tab menu to top Thank you guys