Railway8mo ago

n8n Google Cloud Firestore authentication ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

Project ID: 4302ba67-8812-404d-843c-abd3a763715b I'm trying to use the Firestore node in my n8n project, but when I have to sign in to my Google account after filling in the Client ID and secret, I keep getting ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT at the last step, even though I followed n8n's documentation.
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6 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: 4302ba67-8812-404d-843c-abd3a763715b
Brody8mo ago
i see there is a port in that url, railway only exposes http apps on 443
Bart8mo ago
@Brody This was the solution, thank you so much! I'm new to both Railway and n8n and I spent way too much time looking for this solution.
Brody8mo ago
awesome, glad I could help
Leonardo Gomez
Leonardo Gomez8mo ago
I'm using the rainway to use the N8N. When I went to create Google Sheets credentials, access was blocked and the following message appeared. railway.app has not completed Google's verification process. The app is in the testing phase and can only be accessed by testers approved by the developer. If you think you should have access, please contact the developer. If you are a railway.app developer, please see the error details. Error 403: access_denied Would anyone know how to resolve it?
Adam8mo ago
Please create your own help thread. This thread is unrelated to your problem
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